Castleconnell Flood Relief Scheme - Options Public Participation Day
Options Public Participation Day
As part of the development of a viable Flood Relief Scheme for Castleconnell, Co. Limerick, Limerick City & County Council, in conjunction with the Office of Public Works and the appointed environmental and engineering consultants JBA Consulting and JB Barry & partners, wish to invite members of the public, local businesses and organisations to attend a Public Participation Day. This will provide an opportunity to have an input to the potential solutions that are currently being considered for the proposed Flood Relief Scheme.
The scheme is currently in the options appraisal phase. The project team have considered a long list of potential flood management measures, from which a number of scheme options have been brought forward for assessment. The purpose of the Public Participation Day is to give interested parties an overview of these options and provide an opportunity to engage with the project team, share their thoughts on the options and any potential constraints.
The event will take place in the Castle Oaks House Hotel, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick, V94 EH94 on Wednesday 21st September 2022.
Drop in any time from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.
Presentations from the project team will be at 5:00pm and 7:00pm.
LCCC & OPW would welcome feedback from members of the public. Questionnaires to submit comments, observations and queries will be available at the Castle Oaks House Hotel on the night and online after the event. Completed questionnaires can be returned at the event, via email to or by post to :
JBA Consulting, Unit 24,Grove Island, Corbally, Limerick,V94 312N
Limerick City & County Council would encourage interested parties to attend and engage with this event. All feedback received will be treated in accordance with GDPR regulations.