3.5 Goal Five - Actively Engage with our Communities

Closed2 Oct, 2019, 11:17am - 18 Oct, 2019, 11:59pm

Goal Five - Actively Engage with our Communities


We will:

  • Support the set-up of an effective Public Participation Network so that it can play its role in underpinning consultation and participation processes by communities and the voluntary sector.
  • Support meaningful and effective consultation and participation processes in the development of plans, policy-making and in service and project design and delivery by strengthening our internal systems to ensure they respond to the requirements of public participation processes. Explore new and innovative ways of connecting and engaging communities, through the use of web-based networks.
  • Promote civic participation and support community-led local development by bringing people, resources and planning together so that people can play an active role in determining how their community will develop. We will work together with our partners to build and strengthen the capacity in local communities.
  • Work in partnership with organisations and groups providing services in the community to make sure that a person centred approach to delivering services is consistently delivered by Limerick City and County Council and our partners.
  • Co-ordinate, manage and oversee the implementation of LCDC Programmes.
  • Support communities to maximise the opportunities available to them to enhance their areas and sense of place including supporting access to funding opportunities for community projects.