Chapter 9 - – Infrastructure and Utilities

Closed6 May, 2023, 8:00am - 19 Jun, 2023, 5:00pm

9.1 Infrastructure and Utilities

The sustainable social and economic growth of Newcastle West is dependent on the satisfactory provision of high quality infrastructure associated with the provision of services for new residential and commercial developments. Key infrastructural provision, undertaken in a plan led manner will support the economic development of the town and ensure the development of good quality place making, where health and wellbeing is safeguarded while also protecting the environment.  The provision of high quality infrastructure networks and environmental services is fundamental to ensuring the long-term physical, environmental, social and economic development of the town.

9.2 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

Collaborating with national, regional and local bodies is crucial to safeguard the protection of existing water and wastewater infrastructure assets in the town. The responsibility for water service provision now rests with Irish Water.

The Water Services Policy Statement (WSPS) identifies high level objectives and priorities for the delivery of water and wastewater services over the period to 2025. It has been prepared in line with the Water Services Acts to give clear direction to strategic planning and decision making on water and wastewater services in Ireland.

The Water Services Strategic Plan (WSSP) published in 2015 by Irish Water sets out strategic objectives for the delivery of water services over a 25-year period and a context for investment and implementation plans.

It should also be noted that The RSES for the Southern Region (Section 8) sets out requirements for water and energy utility infrastructure to serve the targeted growth of the Region in a sustainable manner and specifically, to service and underpin infrastructure-led delivery of the settlement strategy.



Newcastle West is served by the South-West Regional Water Resource Zone (WRZ). Spare capacity within the WRZ is very limited at present.

The regional water resources plan for the Eastern and Midlands region was recently adopted and identifies plan-level approaches to address the identified needs in Newcastle West in a sustainable manner. The current preferred longer-term option under the Eastern and  Midlands Regional  Water  Resources  Plan  is  interconnection  with  Limerick  City  WRZ however, further  assessment  is  required  and further options may be explored before  this  is  confirmed. 

Interim  measures  to increase  the  supply  are  being  progressed,  including  increasing  groundwater  supply  at Tobergal Springs and upgrading Castlemahon Water Treatment Plant, which is expected to be completed in 2025. In addition, groundwater investigations and trunk main upgrades are being progressed at Kilcolman Springs and are expected to be completed within lifetime of the Limerick Development Plan. It is envisaged that with these works, there will be adequate capacity  available  to  cater  for  the  projected  growth  over  the  Development  Plan  period, although supply may be constrained during drought periods.



The 2021 wastewater treatment capacity register indicates there is spare capacity (ca. 600 population equivalent) to cater for a portion, but not all, of the projected population growth of 1,988 identified in the LDP. An upgrade of Newcastle West WWTP is included in the 2020‐2024 Investment Plan and is at concept design stage. The project will provide sufficient spare capacity to cater for the targeted growth.  It is anticipated it will be post 2025, but within the lifetime of the 2022‐2028 Limerick Development Plan, before the WWTP project is completed. This will be subject to funding and other approvals. In order to ensure the adequate protection and management of the environment, the requirements of this Local Area Plan, including those detailed under “Objective IU 02” below, must be demonstrated as being complied with in order for permission to be granted.


Surface Water

A combined system is in place for foul and storm water within the town. This has implications for the capacity of the existing sewerage network, particularly during periods of high rainfall where overflow of untreated wastewater into waterways can occur when storm water dominates the system. Within the Churchtown area, the development of a surface water sewer will form a critical part of any proposed development.

Policy IUP1 - Infrastructure and Utilities: It is the policy of the Council to:

Ensure the provision of adequate infrastructure capacity to accommodate future development and the timely provision of infrastructure needed for the sustainable growth of Newcastle West.


Objective IUO1 – Water Supply Infrastructure: It is an objective of the Council to:

(a) Ensure compliance for infrastructure led-growth in accordance with the DHPLG Water Services Guidelines for Planning Authorities.

(b) Facilitate improvements to the existing water supply system to cater for the needs of an expanding population.

(c) Ensure that development proposals provide adequate water infrastructure to facilitate proposed developments. Evidence of consultation by developers with Uisce Eireann prior to submitting planning applications will be required.

(d) Ensure future development protects existing wayleave and buffer zones around public water services infrastructure.

(e) Promote water conservation and demand management measures among all water users, and to support Uisce Eireann in implementing water conservation measures such as leakage reduction and network improvements, including innovative solutions in specific situations.

(f) Proposals for abstractions of water will be subject to the appropriate environmental assessments and demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive.


Objective IUO2 – Wastewater Infrastructure: It is an objective of the Council to:

(a) Support the implementation of the Uisce Eireann Investment Plans, in accordance with the settlement strategy.

(b) Ensure adequate wastewater infrastructure is available to cater for existing and proposed development, in collaboration with Uisce Eireann, avoiding any deterioration in the quality of receiving waters and ensuring discharge meets the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. This includes the separation of foul and surface water through the provision of separate networks and nature-based rainwater management measures. Applications for development under the Draft Plan must demonstrate that the proposal for development would not adversely affect a water body’s ability to meet its objectives under the Water Framework Directive, individually as a result of the proposed development or cumulatively, in combination with other developments – evidence to this effect may include correspondence from Uisce Eireann.

9.3 Surface Water Management and SuDs

Adequate storm water drainage and retention facilities are necessary to accommodate surface water runoff from existing and proposed developments. Rivers, streams and ditches containing watercourses are important green infrastructure corridors and habitats in Newcastle West, providing multi-functional eco-system services such as land drainage, recreational amenity, and clean/cool air and wildlife corridors. In the past, surface water management has tended to focus on intervention with the use of methods, such as piping, culverting and installation of underground attenuation tanks. Using natural solutions to manage surface water can be cost effective and yield results that improve environmental quality. The use of natural drainage systems at surface level through utilisation of existing drains, natural slopes and existing ponds and natural wetland areas, should be considered in the first instance. Approaches to managing surface water that take account of water quantity (flooding), water quality (pollution), biodiversity (wildlife and plants) and amenity are collectively referred to as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS can contribute to surface water retention and a reduction in the potential for flooding by acting as natural drainage.


Objective IUO3 – Surface Water and SUDs: It is an objective of the Council to:

(a) Maintain, improve and enhance the environmental and ecological quality of surface waters and groundwater, including reducing the discharges of pollutants or contaminants to waters in accordance with the Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022-2027 (DHPLG) and associated Programme of Measures.

(b) Require all planning applications to include surface water design calculations to establish the suitability of drainage between the site and the outfall point.

(c) Require all new developments to include Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) to control surface water outfall and protect water quality.

(d) Require applicants to investigate the potential for the provision of porous surfaces, where car parking and hard landscaping is proposed.

(e) Protect the surface water resources of the plan area and in individual planning applications request the provision of sediment and grease traps, and pollution control measures, where deemed necessary.

9.4 Flood Risk Management

To comply with the EU Floods Directive and to align with National Guidance ‘The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines’, 2009, the Draft Newcastle West LAP has taken flood risk into consideration when determining land use zoning and objectives.   The Draft Plan is also informed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) – the government organisation leading flood risk management and responsible for flood relief investment nationally.

The Council ensures that proper flood risk identification, assessment and avoidance are integrated within the planning system to safeguard the future sustainable development of Newcastle West. The land use zoning of the Draft LAP has been determined by applying the principles of the 2009 Guidelines that: (a) flood risk is avoided where possible; (b) where avoidance is not possible, less vulnerable uses have been substituted for more vulnerable ones, and; (c) risk is mitigated and managed where avoidance and substitution are not possible.

A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) accompanies the Draft Plan.  

OPW CFRAM Study flood risk indicative maps are available for Newcastle West. These maps indicate that a significant area of land, including lands to the west and south east of the plan area is in Flood Zone A. In response to flood risk identified in the SFRA, the Draft LAP has removed a large section of the land northeast of the town from the Local Area Plan. 

In addition, the Draft Plan designates the undeveloped land considered at risk from flooding, as open space and recreation, and will also require a riparian Buffer along the river.

9.4.1 Newcastle West Flood Relief Scheme

The OPW is progressing the development of a further Flood Relief Scheme for Newcastle West to augment the existing Scheme. Currently the OPW area progressing the project-level development and assessment of a further Flood Relief Scheme for Newcastle West to augment the existing Scheme, including environmental assessment as necessary and further public consultation, for refinement and preparation for planning / exhibition and, if and as appropriate, implementation. The proposed further measure for Newcastle West that may be implemented after project-level assessment, planning or Exhibition and confirmation may include: Construction of 851m of new flood walls and 284m of new flood defence embankments. It should also be noted that the existing regime is to be maintained.


Objective IUO4 - Flood Risk Management Objectives: It is an objective of the Council to

(a) Manage flood risk in accordance with the requirements of “The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities”, DECLG and OPW (2009) and any revisions thereof and consider the potential impacts of climate change in the application of these guidelines.

(b) Ensure development proposals within the areas outlined as being at risk of flooding are subject to Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment as outlined in “The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines”, DECLG and OPW (2009). These Flood Risk Assessments shall consider climate change impacts and adaptation measures including details of structural and non-structural flood risk management measures, such as those relating to floor levels, internal layout, flood-resistant construction, flood-resilient construction, emergency response planning and access and egress during flood events.

(c) Ensure that future developments in flood prone areas is generally limited to minor developments in line with the Circular PL 02/2014 and the Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities and ensure future development of lands within Flood Risk Zone A/B is in accordance with the plan-making Justification Tests in the SFRA.

(d) Developments on lands benefitting from Arterial Drainage Schemes shall ensure that adequate lands are preserved to allow for maintenance and access to these drainage channels. Land identified as benefitting from these systems may be prone to flooding, as such site-specific flood risk assessments will be required as appropriate, at planning application stage.

(e) Ensure the protection of a 20m riparian buffer free from development, on greenfield lands, in particular the lands zoned Enterprise and Employment and Residential Serviced Sites by the River Daar south east of the Limerick Greenway and north west and south east of the N21.

(f) Ensure that zoning or development proposals allow for the protection, and the need for maintenance of the existing flood relief scheme and do not impede or prevent the progression of the proposed development flood relief scheme in Newcastle West.

h) Prepare a register of key flood relief infrastructure in Newcastle West.

9.5 Energy Generation

Newcastle West is served by the ESB Network and Gas Network. There are overhead 110kV transmission lines and a number of substations located within the town and environs.  The higher-level spatial plans indicate there is significant potential to use renewable energy to achieve climate change emission reduction targets through electricity and gas networks. With costs actively driven down by innovation in solar, onshore and offshore wind in particular, the renewable industry is increasingly cost competitive.

Low carbon technologies present an economic opportunity and green technology development is emerging as a major field of innovation and growth. The Council recognises the importance of developing renewable energy resources in the interest of delivering NZEB (Near Zero Energy Buildings) and the National Climate Change Adaptation Framework. Regard will also be had to the contents of the Limerick Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024, and its replacement strategy, particularly where reference is made to utilities and infrastructure.

One such low carbon technology is District Heating. District Heating Network (DH) is a means of transporting heat as hot water through a network of highly insulated pipelines, delivering heat (rather than fuel) directly to buildings. This type of system can service multiple buildings on a local network with heat exchangers installed in each structure to distribute the heat internally. DH systems have been mainly powered by fossil fuels in the past, but renewable networks are now common throughout Europe. DH networks have the potential to decarbonise the heat sector where the heat demand is high enough.

It is considered that due regard is had to District Heating is supported in the Limerick Development Plan 2022-2028 through Objective CAF O15 (Local Energy Production), which seeks to support localised renewable and carbon friendly means of heating and energy provision, including district heating systems. New technologies such as air to water and geo thermal may have a role to play in this regard.


Objective IUO5 - Energy Generation, Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure Objectives: It is an objective of the Council to

(a) Support the providers of national gas, electricity, telecommunication and digital infrastructure by safeguarding existing infrastructure from encroachment by development that might compromise the efficiency of the networks.

(b) Facilitate cooperation between utility and service providers to ensure their networks are resilient to the impacts of climate change, both in terms of design and ongoing maintenance.

(c) Facilitate improvement of telecommunications, broadband, electricity (including renewables) and gas networks infrastructure on an open access basis subject to safety requirements and proper planning and sustainable development

(d) Seek the undergrounding of all electricity, telephone and television cables.

(e) Facilitate delivery of E-Charge Points for electric vehicles at suitable locations and in new developments in line with the Limerick Development Plan.

(f) Promote and encourage the use of renewable energy sources, technologies, including district heating schemes and alternative energy retrofitting in existing and proposed developments, subject to consideration of environmental, conservation, residential and visual amenity. In the event of grid connection to the national road network proposals should demonstrate an assessment of all alternative grid connection route options have been undertaken by the developer as part of planning application process.

(g) Support the development of Smart Homes and Smart Buildings and facilitate the foundation for Smart Limerick in accordance with the Limerick Digital Strategy 2017 – 2020.

(h) Support and promote the NZEB standard of building or equivalent for all new developments.

9.6 Smart Technology

As indicated in the Census 2016 data, 1,678 or 66% of households have broadband internet services in the Newcastle West. There are six main broadband providers in Newcastle West and improving this network will give significant economic and social advantage to Newcastle West, as a place to set up internet-based business, facilitate working from home and the creation of smart homes and smart buildings.  Public WiFi hotspots are available at six locations as part of the WiFi4EU initiative and the Department of Rural and Community Development, National Broadband Ireland and the Vodaphone BCP initiative.


  • iFi4EU - Sheehy's Unisex Hair Salon (V42 T659)
  • WiFi4EU - Gatsby for Men (V42 CK82)
  • WiFi4EU - The Silver Room (V42 RX72)
  • WiFi4EU - Perozzi Family Restaurant (V42 CK68)
  • WiFi4EU - The Red Door Business Incubation Centre (V42 X244)
  • WiFi4EU - Marguerite's Home Bakery (V42 PP96)

Last year the Government published a new national digital strategy, Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework, to drive and enable the digital transition across the Irish economy and society. Dimension 2 of the framework places importance on supporting 5G rollout across all populated areas of Ireland by 2030.

Objective IUO6 - Smart Technology Objectives: It is an objective of the Council to

(a) Support the rollout of the National Broadband Plan.

(b) Support the provision of 5G infrastructure at appropriate locations in Newcastle West.

(c) Support the provision of a smart programme/initiative for Newcastle West.

9.7 Waste Management and the Circular Economy

The Circular Economy and Ireland’s Waste Management policy is part of the waste hierarchy established by the EU’s Waste Framework Directive, which sets out to prioritise waste prevention, followed by re-use, recycling, recovery and finally disposal into landfill. The Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015 – 2021 is a framework for the prevention and management of waste in a safe and sustainable manner.

Refuse collection is carried out by a number of private contractors in the Newcastle West area. The town also benefits from a Civic Amenity Recycling facility. The Limerick Civic Amenity Centres have been provided primarily for the householders of County Limerick to recycle their waste.  The Centres accept a wide range of household material which is suitable for recycling.

Objective IUO7 – Waste Management: It is an objective of the Council to

(a) Support the Regional Waste Management Office in implementation of the Regional Waste Management Plan and the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy – Closing the Loop, to ensure sustainable patterns of consumption and production.


(b) Require all commercial and residential development to provide an adequate internal and external space for the correct storage of waste and recyclable materials.


















Good afternoon.   Following on from my conversation with you at the recent Public Consultation for the Draft Local Area Plan, I wish to make the following general submission...
To whom it concerns,   Please find attached our submission     Yours Sincerely
Newcastle West Submisison
Please see attached PDF document. Thanks.
Dear Sir/Madam,   Please find attached a copy of TII’s observations on the Draft Newcastle West Local Area Plan, 2023 – 2029, and associated Area Based Transport Assessment...
Please find attached the Department of Education’s submission to the Newcastle West LAP 2023 – 2029.   Please acknowledge receipt of this submission.  ...