Material Alterations to The Draft Southern Environs Local Area Plan 2021 -2027

Closed6 Feb, 2021, 8:00am - 8 Mar, 2021, 5:00pm


This report sets out the proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Southern Environs Local Area Plan (LAP) 2021 - 2027, following consideration of submissions received during the public display period of the Draft LAP. The report forms part of the statutory procedure for preparing a new LAP set out under Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). It is a key element in the process of bringing the draft Plan to adoption.

This report comprises three parts: 

  1. Introduction;
  2. Material Alterations to Local Area Plan Written Statement;
  3. Material Alterations to Local Area Plan Maps.

The updated SEA/AA and SFRA are set out in the supporting documents.

The Draft LAP was placed on public display for a period of not less than 6 weeks from 10th October 2020 to 23rd November 2020 inclusive. A total of 33 no. written submissions were received within the statutory timeframe for public display.

The 33 no. submissions were considered by the executive and changes to the Draft LAP were recommended and presented in a Chief Executive’s report, dated the 17th of December 2020, to the Elected Members of the Metropolitan District of Limerick. Briefing meetings with the Elected Members of the Metropolitan District of Limerick were held on 11th and 27th of January 2021.

Having considered the Draft LAP and the Chief Executive’s report of the 17th December 2020, and the recommendations on the written submissions received, the Elected Members of the Metropolitan District of Limerick at their meeting on the 27th of January 2020, passed a resolution to accept the Draft LAP and the Chief Executive’s report in respect of the Draft LAP, subject to the Alterations in the Chief Executive’s report and subsequent Alterations proposed by the Elected Members.

In accordance with the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), written submissions with respect to the proposed Material Alterations of the proposed Local Area Plan only can be considered. The closing date for the submissions on the Material Alterations is 5pm on 8th March 2021. This display period will be followed by the preparation of a second Chief Executive’s Report to the Members on any submissions received on the proposed Material Alterations. Members may then decide to make the LAP, with or without the proposed alterations or with modifications to the proposed alterations, subject to the provisions of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). The formal making of the LAP is by resolution of the Elected Members. During the LAP process, the Members of the Metropolitan District of Limerick must consider the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, statutory obligations and any relevant plans and policies of the Government or any Minister of the Government.


2      Material Alterations to LAP Written Statement

The following sets out wording to be omitted struck through in green and wording to be inserted underlined in red. Where policies or objectives are proposed to be included or altered, the policy / objective numbers of those in the Draft may need to be revised.

Chapter 6: Economic Development:

  1. Amend Section 6.3.2 Availability of Zoned Lands text as follows:

Given the high demand for employment type lands in the Metropolitan Area additional land has been included for Enterprise and Employment uses. In this regard, an area of 204ha. of “High Tech/ Manufacturing”, 110ha. 69.16ha. of “Enterprise and Employment” and 340ha. of “Industrial” zoned land is available for development in the Southern Environs.

  1. Amend Section 6.7 District Centre text as follows:

Pending the completion of the new Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Retail Strategy, limited no additional retail floor space and services will be permitted and re-investment and upgrade works supported at the Crescent. Any proposed retail development shall comply with the new Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Retail Strategy on completion.

Chapter 7: Housing:

  1. Amend Objective H O5 as follows:

The Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets, DTTS and DECLG (2019) (2013).

  1. Amend Objective H O15 as follows:

Permit housing on agriculturally zoned land outside of Flood Zones A and B for the permanent habitation of farmers and the sons and/or daughters of farmers only and subject to the terms and conditions of the rural housing policy as set out in the Limerick County Development Plan 2010 – 2016 (as extended). Dwellings are categorised as ‘highly vulnerable development’ in the Section 28 The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2010) and will not be permitted in flood zones.

Chapter 8: Development Opportunities:

  1. Amend text as follows:

The Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets, DTTS and DECLG (2019) (2013);

Chapter 10: Key Infrastructure:

  1. Amend text as follows:

The Limerick Main Drainage Scheme has the capacity to cater for future population growth. Foul effluent is treated at the Bunlicky wastewater treatment plant, which is operating below its design capacity of 186,000 130,000 population equivalents.

Chapter 11: Transport & Movement:

 Amend Strategic Policy as follows:

To promote and facilitate a sustainable transport system that prioritises and provides for walking, cycling and public transport facilities while ensuring sufficient appropriate traffic management.

  1. Amend Objective TM O1 as follows:

Facilitate implementation and delivery of the proposals set out in the Draft Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy or any replacement thereof.

Facilitate implementation and delivery of the proposals that will be contained in the final Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy.

  1. Amend Objective TM O3 as follows:

Support and facilitate implementation of an integrated, multi modal and accessible public transport network catering for all members of society across the Metropolitan Area, in particular the proposed BusConnects program linking strategic residential and employment growth locations with the City Centre, and any future rail strategy for the city and suburbs.

  1. Amend Objective TM O5 as follows:

Improve and provide clear, safe and direct pedestrian linkages, cycle networks as identified in the Draft final Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Strategic Transport Strategy, including the greenways and primary segregated cycle routes between the employment zones, shopping areas and residential areas throughout the Environs.

  1. Amend Objective TM O6 as follows:

Improve and create additional facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, as part of a coherent and integrated active travel network, as opportunities arise as part of new developments.

  1. Amend Objective TM O7 as follows:

Investigate the feasibility of the provision of “park and ride”, carpooling, car sharing and bike sharing facilities to incorporate car parking and a bus stop/terminus at appropriate locations, including in the area of Raheen Business Park as indicated under the Draft L-SMATS.

  1. Amend Objective TM O10 as follows:

Require the submission of Mobility Management Plans and Traffic and Transport Assessments in accordance with the requirements of “Traffic and Transport Assessment Guidelines” (2014) for large-scale employment related developments, including at the Strategic Employment Locations of Raheen Business Park and University Hospital Limerick.

8.  Amend Objective TM O11 as follows:

Protect the capacity of the national road network, having regard to all relevant Government guidance including DoECLG “Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines” (DoECLG, 2012) in the carrying out of Local Authority functions and ensure development does not prejudice the future development or impair the capacity of the planned core network under TEN-T Regulations, which includes the N/ M20 Cork to Limerick Scheme and Foynes to Limerick Road (including Adare Bypass) projects.

9. Amend Objective TM O12 as follows:

Prevent inappropriate development on lands adjacent to the existing national road network, which would adversely affect the safety, current and future capacity and function of national roads and having regard to reservation corridors to cater for possible future upgrades of the national roads and junctions. Support delivery of strategic road infrastructure identified in the RSES including:

-M20 Cork to Limerick Scheme;

-Foynes to Limerick Road Scheme (including Adare Bypass);

-Upgrade of arterial roads from the motorway network to increase capacity, including the provision of public transport infrastructure and Park and Ride facilities, including at the R527 Dock Road.

10. Include Objective TM O27 as follows:

Support delivery of strategic road infrastructure identified in the RSES including:

-M20 Cork to Limerick Scheme;

-Foynes to Limerick Road Scheme (including Adare Bypass);

-Upgrade of arterial roads from the motorway network to increase capacity, including the provision of public transport infrastructure and Park and Ride facilities, including at the R527 Dock Road.

11. Amend Objective TM O16 as follows:

Improve the efficiency of junctions to enhance the free flow of traffic people within and through the Environs.

12. Amend Objective TM O17 as follows:

Facilitate and implement appropriate measures to reduce or manage traffic associated with schools to regularise vehicular movements and alleviate congestion school streets and school zones, including slow zones around schools, park and stride facilities and promote and facilitate active travel options for school children to reduce the health and safety risks associated with traffic congestion, pollution and inactive lifestyles.

13. Amend Objective TM O21 as follows:

Ensure that all future and retrofitted transport infrastructure is climate proofed, through design and construction, to function in a climate altered future and would, where possible, be multifunctional e.g. provide accessible routes for other services such as fibre optics or water, energy connections or other services and technologies that might come about during the lifetime of the infrastructure.

14. Include Objective TM O22 as follows:

Implement in full, the Cycle Network as will be set out in the final LSMATS, with priority given in the short term to delivering the primary cycle network and cycle routes serving schools.

15. Include Objective TM O23 as follows:

a) Ensure cycle parking is provided for in all residential developments at a rate which will cater for all future residents”;

b) Ensure cycle parking is provided in all non-residential developments at a rate that will cater for 10-20% of all trips to be undertaken by bicycle.

16. Include Objective TM 024 as follows:

Explore improved accessibility to Limerick Southside, including the possible provision of a motorway interchange connection from the M20/M7 to Limerick Southside.  

17. Include Objective TM O25 as follows:

Ensure all developments protect and safeguard the capacity and efficiency of the drainage regimes of the national road network.

18. Retain the zoning of lands at Junction 2 Dock Road subject to the addition of the following specific objective: TM O26:

Ensure Industrial and Enterprise and Employment lands adjacent to Junction 2, Dock Road:

a) Shall be developed for uses with low levels of traffic movements only;

b) Car parking shall be provided at a rate below that provided for in the Development Plan and provided on an area-wide basis rather than according to the requirements of individual developments;

c) Cycle parking shall be provided in all developments at an appropriate level to encourage modal shift;

d) All developments shall include end-of-trip cycling facilities for employees such as showers and lockers;

e) All new roads shall incorporate segregated cycle tracks designed in accordance with the National Cycle Manual;

f) All new roads shall seek, in the first instance, to provide filtered permeability, in order to avoid creating additional capacity for car traffic; and

g) All development proposals shall include Mobility Management Plans, with clear targets and commitments to implementing measures to promote sustainable transport.

Chapter 14: Climate Change & Flood Management:

  1. Amend LAP text as follows:

Climate Change: Context: “Implementation of the LAP will take into account relevant targets and actions arising from sectoral adaptation plans approved in 2019 that will be prepared to comply with the requirements of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015”.

  1. Amend Objective CC O2 as follows:

Pursue modal shift to sustainable transport modes as the highest transport priority of the Council and support sustainable travel, energy efficient projects, green infrastructure and sustainable residential development projects.

  1. Include Objective CC O10 as follows:

Ensure decisions around transport planning and operations (including traffic management) will be aligned with the government’s policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50% by 2030, its Climate Action Plan and the Paris Agreement objective to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

  1. Amend Flood Management: Context text as follows:  

“This Flood Scheme follows the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) programme, which is a medium to long-term strategy for the reduction and management of flood risk in Ireland covering a number of Units of Measures (as defined in the EU Floods Directive) single National River Basin District”.

  1. Amend Objective FM O1 as follows:            

Manage flood risk in accordance with the requirements of “The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities”, DECLG and OPW (2009) and any revisions thereof and consider the potential impacts of climate change in the application of these guidelines.

  1. Amend Objective FM O4 as follows:

Ensure development proposals within the areas outlined on the Flood Risk Map are subject to Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment as outlined in “The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines”, DECLG and OPW (2009). A Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment will be required for developments proposed on sites in areas at risk of flooding from groundwater, in particular in the vicinity of Monteen and Loughmore Commons Turloughs. 

  1. Include Objective FM 08 as follows:

Ensure that no development shall commence on these lands identified as being at flood risk adjacent to the Raheen Business Park in the townlands of Ballycummin/Rootiagh, zoned for High Tech/Manufacturing, until a site-specific flood risk assessment, including hydraulic model has been prepared for the lands, which demonstrates that the flood risk for the lands can be mitigated or that a less vulnerable use can be accommodated on site.

  1. Include Objective FM 09 as follows:  

Ensure that no development shall commence on the lands identified as being at flood risk, off Blackberry Lane in the townland of Ballykeeffe, zoned for Enterprise and Employment, until a site-specific flood risk assessment, including hydraulic model has been prepared for the lands, which demonstrates that the flood risk for the lands can be mitigated, or that a less vulnerable use can be accommodated on site.

  1. Amend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as follows:

OPW Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Indicative fluvial flood map: “These maps have been produced under the PFRA CFRAMS programme.

Chapter 15: Implementation:

  1. Amend the Purpose of the Agriculture Objective as follows:

“One off dwellings will only be considered on agriculturally zoned land outside of Flood Zones A and B for the permanent habitation of farmers and the sons and/or daughters of farmers only and subject to the terms and conditions of the rural housing policy as set out in the Limerick County Development Plan 2010 – 2016 (as extended)”.

Appendix I: Land Use Zoning Matrix:

  1. Alter the Land Use Zoning Matrix as follows:

Health Clinic – Generally Permitted /

Health Practitioner – Generally Permitted /






Land Use Zone

District Centre

Local Centre

Existing Residential

New Residential

Educ. & Com. Infra.

High Tech/ Manuf.

Enterprise & Employment

Retail Warehousing


Open Space

Semi Natural Open Space



Special Control Areas

Type of Use


Health Centre















Health Practitioner







/ O








3      Material Alterations to Local Area Plans Maps

Alterations to Land Use Zoning Map:

  1. Amend the land use zoning map from Enterprise and Employment to Agriculture as per the 2011 – 2017 Local Area Plan zoning at Junction 30 Rosbrien (Submission No’s 1, 3, 20).
  1. Amend the land use-zoning map from Existing Residential to Enterprise and Employment zoning at No. 1 Dooradoyle Road (Cllr. J. Leddin)

Alterations to Flood Map:

  1. Amend the Flood Map to include Flood Zones A, B and C (Submission No. 5).

Alterations to Transport Map:

  1. Amend Transport Map 4 to relocate the indicative link road outside of the observer’s landholding (Submission No. 14).
  1. Amend Transport Map 4 to include the existing and proposed cycle lane on the R510 (Submission No. 28).
  2. Amend Transport Map 4 to include a new link road connecting the Dooradoyle Road and the Rosbrien Road, which had been included in the 2011 – 2017 (as extended) Local Area Plan (as extended) (Cllr. Joe Leddin)