Limerick County Development Plan 2019-2016

Adopted November 2010

(Including Variations 1-3, 5 & 6)

The core strategy of the CDP outlines population targets for County Limerick.  Montpelier has been identified as a Tier 5 ‘zoned settlement’ and the CDP envisages that the population in the settlement will grow by 41 no. people up to 2022, with demand for an additional 22 no. housing units.  The proposed development of 12 no. units sits comfortably within the envisaged population growth for the settlement, particularly having regard to the modest population growth between 2011 and 2016.


A further policy, contained in the CDP, which seeks to ensure the appropriate and sustainable growth of a settlement, is Objective SS 01 which seeks to ensure that the scale of new housing developments both individually and cumulatively shall be in proportion to the pattern and grain of existing development and to ensure that the expansion of towns and villages shall be in the form of a number of well integrated sites within and around the core area rather than focusing on rapid growth driven by one very large site. In relation to Tier 5 sites, Objective SS 01 specifies that “generally no one proposal for residential development shall be larger than 10-12 units. A limited increase beyond this may be permitted where demonstrated to be appropriate”.  The proposed development of 12 no. units complies with this objective.


There are adequate policies and objectives in the CDP to support the proposed development.


The subject site is zoned for residential development, where it is an objective to provide for “new residential development and other services associated with residential development. While housing is the primary use in this zone, recreation, education, crèche/playschool, sheltered housing and small corner shops are also envisaged, subject to the preservation of neighbouring residential amenity”.


Policy SS P2 of the CDP further supports the residential zoning on the land as it promotes the sustainable development of settlements within tiers 2-6.


Objective SS O2 seeks to promote appropriate design in towns and villages.  It states that the design, layout and character of new development shall relate to the local character and heritage of existing towns and villages and shall enhance the existing village character and create or strengthen a sense of identity and distinctiveness of the settlement.  This objective is further enhanced by Objective SS O14 which promotes development within tier 5 settlements where the scale of new residential schemes for development are in proportion to the pattern and grain of existing development and are located within or immediately contiguous to the core area.


In terms of on-site provision of wastewater infrastructure, Objective SS O8 adopts a flexible approach to proposals for development in all settlements lacking adequate water and sewerage facilities, where such proposals are consistent with the settlement hierarchy and the obligations of the Council under environmental and water services legislation. As a general rule, priority will be given to the development of lands that can be served by means of gravity sewer as opposed to proposals that rely on pumping.  The CDP also states that “in order to promote sustainable residential development in the defined settlements lacking water services and adequate treatment, the planning authority will adopt a flexible approach to proposals for interim improvements to public water and sewerage infrastructure, consistent with the policies and objectives of the Plan”.  Notwithstanding such policies in the CDP, an application will be made to Irish Water at detailed design stage and it is only then that this issue will be resolved.


Compliance with CDP:

Conforming with Standards

There are a number of quantitative developments which will need to be complied with in advancing the proposed development on site.  The quantitative standards are primarily contained in the CDP and these will influence the nature, form and extent of development on the site.


Density & Site Coverage

Objective SS02 does not promote specific densities for Tier 5 towns but rather promotes development of a scale and nature that facilitates integration of the development into the existing settlement and the surrounding environment.  The proposed development is less dense than the adjoining residential development of Brookhaven because the steep topography of the proposed site precludes development. However, the scale and nature of the proposed development of terraced and semi-detached dwellings echoes the scale and nature of the existing.


Car & Bicycle Parking

Table 10.5 of the CDP requires 1 no. car parking space per 3 bed residential unit plus one visitor space per three units.

The proposed development  require 16 no. car parking spaces on site, and 18 are proposed. All spaces are contained within the curtilage of each dwelling except unit no’s 5 & 6 where the parking is provided immediately in front of the dwelling.


Public Open Space

The CDP (Table 10.1) requires the provision of 15% public open space in the case of residential development proposals on greenfield sites. The proposed development provides 41% public open space. The apparently high percentage is due to the steep topography of the site. The proposed open space integrates into the area already identified as open space and serving the adjoining residential development where upon entering the proposed site; an avenue of new trees frames the open space towards the existing trees on the western boundary.


Private Open Space

There are no minimum size criteria relating to private open space provision in the CDP.  The CDP states that “in general a minimum back to back distance between dwellings of 22 metres shall apply in order to protect privacy, sunlight and avoid undue overlooking. Reductions will be considered in the case of single storey developments and/or innovative schemes where it can be demonstrated that adequate levels of privacy, natural lighting and sunlight can be achieved”.  The proposed development conforms to these standards and requirements where the back to back distance is over 24m