4. Environmental & Heritage Considerations

Closed14 Oct, 2019, 9:00am - 27 Nov, 2019, 5:00pm

The proposed development site is not located within any Natura 2000 sites (see Figure 6.0) but does lie in proximity to the Lower River Shannon SAC located 0.38km north west of the site.  An Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening in respect of the proposed development on the site has been carried out by Openfield Ecological Services and they have concluded:


This study has found that the subject lands are not within or directly adjacent to any Natura 2000 area. While they are in the hydrological catchment of the Shannon Estuary there are no impacts that can be considered significant with regard to the conservation objectives of either the Lower River Shannon SAC or the River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA.


Significant natural hedgerows and trees define the boundaries of the site and although not protected they are of visual and ecological benefit and have be retained in so far as possible.  See Tree survey by Arborcare Ltd, and see Ecological impact statement by Openfield ecological services


The site does not appear to be located within an area that is subject to flooding, although it would appear that parts of the settlement are subject to extensive flooding (see Figure 5.0).  Whilst the CDP does locate part of the site within Flood Zone A, it should be noted that the Draft CFRAMs provide more up to date flood mapping and confirm the location of the site outside of Flood Zone A.


There are no protected structures on the site and the site is not located in any Architectural Conservation Area (ACA), although part of the settlement is located within an ACA (see Figure 7.0).  The site does not contain any recorded monuments and is not located within a Zone of Archaeological Potential


OPW Draft CFRAM Mapping

Figure 5.0  Flood Mapping of Montpelier as per Draft CFRAMS


National Inventory of Architectural Heritage


Figure 6.0    Environmental Designations


Figure 7.0  Environmental Constraints (note flood area is not shown on this map but is identified in Figure 3.0