

There are no Protected Structures and no Recorded Monuments within the boundaries of the subject site. The Recorded Monument, LI025-032001, classified as the historic town of Adare is located to the west of the site. Archaeological assessments including test excavations were commissioned for both areas designated for housing. Nothing of archaeological significance was recorded and no further mitigation is proposed. The future enabling works servicing the both sites (refer to subsection 12. Drainage), however, will be archaeologically monitored as stipulated by Limerick City & County Council's Archaeologist.


There is an existing Lime Kiln, with an associated stone built structure located in the northern development area, neither of these has statutory protection and they are not listed on the National inventory of Architectural Heritage. The lime kiln is marked on the 1st edition (1840s) OS map, where it is part of an industrial complex, comprising the kiln, the associated structure, a quarry and access roads serving the complex. On the 25” (1900s) OS map the quarry has expanded in size. This would suggest that the lime kiln and quarry may have supplied works within the town during the 19th century which makes it part of the later very extensive architectural heritage of the town.


It is proposed that, as part of this project, the lime kiln be preserved and rehabilitated, vegetation be cleared and loose masonry be repointed utilising best practice conservation techniques (lime mortar) and be made safe appropriately. The associated stone built structure will be integrated into the proposed development, repurposed to provide accommodation while the proposed homezone to the front of the Lime Kiln will incorporate interpretative signage and a bench allowing people to engage with its unique character.




There are a number of significant trees/hedgerows located within and adjacent to the proposed development areas. These have been surveyed and documented as part a Tree Survey Report completed by Arborcare and included in this Part 8 submission. While every effort has been made to retain as many trees as possible, 3 no. trees are proposed to be removed as part of this planned development.

(Please note: number references below relate to Tree Survey report completed by Arbocare).

T - 788 – To be removed – highlighted for removal in Tree report.

T – 786 – To be removed – Agreed with Arborist, mitigation measures include the planting of two semi-mature oak trees to compensate for its loss.

T- 789 To be removed – It is anticipated this tree will have to be removed in order to accommodate for required drainage service lines and a connecting road between the proposed linear development strip and the existing Deerpark housing estate. While we had endeavoured to keep this tree the required road levels as dictated by the existing levels to the front of the lime kiln (which we intend to rehabilitate and preserve as part of this proposal) require a level cut and retention between the proposed road and the existing green open space which will most likely undermine the root system as indicated in the RPA. In conjunction with the proposed road there are also planned service routes through this area. The positioning of these service routes was dictated by the need to tie into services available in the existing Deerpark Estate while avoiding excavation works through quarry lands to the north west (slit trenches were carried out to determine the start of the quarry). These proposed drainage connections will service not only the planned LCCC scheme but have been sized appropriately to accommodate potential future housing developments opening up development opportunities for a number of backland sites near the Adare village core. These proposed services are in accordance with Adare’s LAP objective ‘to provide for development which accommodates envisaged housing need and density to sustain vibrant socially balanced communities’. We propose to plant three semi-mature oak trees to compensate for its loss.




Data has been gathered by JBA Consulting from a preliminary habitat and roost survey carried out and from the assessment of transect and static bat detector data. It has determined that the suitability of the trees on this site for roosting bats is moderate and the suitability of this site for foraging and commuting bats is high.


It is noted that many of the mature, dying and dead trees on or near the site have potential roost features (PRFs). It is recommended that these trees are retained within the development. If they are to be removed, further surveys will be required to determine the presence of roosting bats; if presence of roosting bats is found, a derogation licence will be required for their removal.


Please refer to the Bat Report completed by JBA consulting for further information.