Thank you for participating in this public consultation regarding Limerick City and County Council’s (LCCC) proposed planned new Community CCTV Camera Schemes and updates to existing Community CCTV Camera Schemes. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand community perspectives and make informed decisions. The following questions are designed to gather your views on public safety, privacy and the effectiveness of CCTV systems. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for this consultation. A copy of the Privacy Statement for this survey can be read here.
LCCC is undertaking this public consultation on the provision of Community CCTV Cameras in public areas within Limerick City and County.
We seek your views on the new schemes and updates to existing schemes that will require authorisation from the Garda Commissioner under the An Garda Síochána Act 2005 for the following areas:
City Centre East (Johnsgate/Garryowen/Killalee) – New Scheme
The People’s Park, Pery Square – New Scheme
Castletroy Urban Greenway – New Scheme
Rathkeale – Update to existing scheme
Northside (Moyross/St. Mary’s Park) – Update to existing scheme
Southside (Weston Gardens) – Update to existing scheme
LCCC installs and operates Community CCTV cameras for the sole or primary purpose of securing public order and safety by deterring, preventing, detecting, and prosecuting offences. The Garda Commissioner is authorised to approve the installation of cameras under Section 38 of the An Garda Síochána Act, 2005. Authorised CCTV Schemes must comply with the conditions outlined in the CCTV Community Scheme Code of Practice. LCCC is committed to preventing crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour within its jurisdiction.
It is important to note that live monitoring is undertaken on some cameras where it is deemed necessary, and monitored by trained personnel who are Garda vetted. The three proposed new schemes and the proposed update to the Rathkeale camera scheme will not be live monitored. Recordings are retained for 28 days before being overwritten. The cameras will record footage to be used as evidence for An Garda Síochána investigations. Footage is not used for any purposes other than those outlined under Section 38 of An Garda Síochána Act 2005. Please refer to the link below for LCCC's CCTV policy, location map, and scheme implementation process:
LCCC collaborates closely with An Garda Síochána and local communities to identify public areas with a pressing need for Community CCTV Schemes based on crime and incident data. This public consultation provides an opportunity for local individuals and businesses to comment on how community-based CCTV Schemes may affect their daily lives.
The closing date for this survey is 4pm on Sunday, 28th July 2024.
This survey is anonymous. No personal data will be retained by LCCC.
After you have selected which scheme you would like to comment on and click "Next Page", a map of the scheme area, the proposed camera locations within that scheme and the survey questions will be shown. You can comment on one or more of the CCTV schemes in the survey.
If you do not register for a MyPoint Account, you will need to complete the survey in one session. Registering for a MyPoint Account allows you to save the survey in stages (Save Draft).
Please click “Next Page” to begin the survey.