Main opinions

At a city-wide scale, Southill is a highly accessible location, strategically situated to present a new southern gateway to Limerick City. There is an opportunity to guide development towards the Childers Road, and develop the area as a medium density mixed use quarter focussed on a new node, creating a new neighbourhood with a critical mass of people to support amenities and public transport. Southill also presents a major opportunity to form a new edge to the city, overlooking the surrounding countryside. At Ballinacurra Weston there is an opportunity to create a high-quality new neighbourhood, that is focused on new connections both east-west between Hyde Road and Prospect Hill, and north-south between Childers Road and Byrne Avenue. These new connections will ensure that the neighbourhood will be well integrated with its surroundings, and highly accessible to the city centre. In both Regeneration areas, opportunities exist to create new urban structures that make better use of existing topography, improve permeability and connectivity, and improve access to and from and between sites. A new mix of land uses, new housing layouts, mix and tenures can be provided, integrated with an attractive, well designed and maintained public realm. All these future opportunities can only be realised with the first step of reintroduction of the inbound access from the M20. The loss of the inbound access has undoubtedly undermined the potential future viability of uses in the Regeneration Area and contributed further to its severance.