Written Statement Alterations/Additions to Local Area Plan

Closed4 Jan, 2020, 8:00am - 3 Feb, 2020, 5:00pm

Omit wording struck through in green and insert wording underlined in red. Where policies or objectives are proposed to be included or amended the policy / objective numbers of those existing may need to be revised.


Chapter 1

Insert the following text in Section 1.2

The Croom LAP covers approximately 150.94 170.93 hectares in area


Chapter 4


4.1       Introduction

Based on the population and household projections in Chapter 3, 14.27 13.45 hectares of lands are zoned for residential use and can sustain the anticipated population growth in Croom over the plan period to 2026.


Chapter 6


Amend Objective T2: Movement and Accessibility


Objective T2: Movement and Accessibility


It is an objective of the Council to:

(a)        To support the provision of a distributor road network through the plan area as indicated on the Land Use Zoning Map.  The alignment of the road is indicative only and will be defined at detailed design and construction stage.  Junction locations are also indicative;

(b)        Encourage the development of safe and efficient movement and accessibility networks that will cater for the needs of all users and encourage priority for walking and cycling and public transport provision.  Future development proposals for new residential, serviced sites, community and recreation and enterprise lands will demonstrate at design stage that consideration of Smarter Travel, mobility and connectivity with the town centre and community infrastructure has been considered;

(c)        All future development proposal shall incorporate the relevant objectives of the Mid West Area Strategic Plan (MWASP 2011-2030), the Smarter Travel Strategy and the promotion of enhanced public transport facilities and services;

(d)        Ensure that adequate facilities and access provisions are provided for those with disabilities in the community.  The Council will strive to ensure that the provision of such facilities will be in line with current best practice;

(e)        Improve the efficiency of junctions as identified on land zoning map in the town to enhance the free flow of traffic through the area;

(f)        Only permit development, where a safe and secure access can be provided;

(g)        Require that roads provided to serve private housing developments are designed to a high standard;

(h)        Provision of clear and unambiguous carriageway markings and associated directional signage, indicating directional priorities for traffic.

(i)         Safeguard the strategic function, capacity and safety of the existing N20, national road.



Chapter 7


Amend Objective IN 04: Surface Water Disposal


Objective IN 04: Surface water disposal


It is the objective of the Council to:

(a)        Require that all applications for development demonstrate that appropriate Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are examined and where feasible provided;

(b)        Require the submission of surface water design calculations, establishing the suitability of drainage between the site and a suitable outfall in order to establish whether the existing surface water drainage system can accommodate an additional discharge generated by a proposed development(s);

(c)        Require applicants to investigate the potential for the provision of porous surfaces, where car parking and hard landscaping is proposed;

(d)        Protect the surface water resources of the plan area and in individual planning applications request the provision of sediment and grease traps, and pollution control measures, where deemed necessary;

(e)        Surface water runoff to be designed to agricultural runoff rates, subject to  agreement with the Local Authority.

(f)         Surface water disposal proposals should not negatively impact on the capacity and efficiency of the N20 national road drainage scheme.


 Update Table 11: Total Zoned Lands in Chapter 11 as follows


Area designated in 2019 LAP (ha)

Area designated in 2009 LAP (ha)

% change


66.76 73.03


46.7% 60.5%

Education and Community Facilities




Existing Residential




Enterprise & Employment

6.6 7.51

Formerly Industrial



Open Space and Recreation

6.93 7.77


-69.1% -65.3%

Residential Development Area

11.24 10.42


-38%  -44.6%

Residential Serviced Sites

3.03 3.05


-76.3%  -76.2%

Town Centre




Special Control Area









OPR Recommendation Letter - Croom LAP 2020-2026
See letter attached.
OPW welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above named alterations. OPW have previously made comment on the Draft Croom LAP in August 2019 (and previously in 2017 and 2015) and the result of the most recent comments have been read in the CE Report. Fu
OPW welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above named alterations. OPW have previously made comment on the Draft Croom LAP in August 2019 (and previously in 2017 and 2015) and the result of the...