Amendments to Chapter 11 - Environment, Heritage and Blue Green Infrastructure

Closed5 Nov, 2022, 08:00 - 5 Dec, 2022, 17:00

Chapter 11       Environment, Heritage and Blue Green Infrastructure

Proposed Amendment

 Submission No./ Elected Member Amendment No.


Amend Section 11.1 Archaeological and Architectural Heritage as follows:

Rathkeale is notably rich in historic and archaeological remains, both above and below ground, many are protected under planning and/or National Monuments legislation. In this regard, the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the Sites and Monuments Record under the provisions of Section 12(1) of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994 are the primary designation mechanisms for protecting the assets of our built heritage. This Plan is informed by national policy including Draft Heritage Ireland 2030, the Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan for the Built and Archaeological Heritage, 2019, the Built Vernacular Strategy, 2021 and the pending National Policy on Architecture.



Amend Objective HE O1 as follows:

(e) Promote awareness of the appropriate adaption of archaeological heritage to climate change as per Government policy ‘Built and Archaeological Heritage – Climate Change Sectoral Adaption Plan’, 2019 Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Draft Heritage 2030, and Limerick Climate Adaption Strategy 2019 – 2024 and higher level spatial plans. 



Amend Objective HE O2 to include (b):

(a) Positively consider proposals to improve, alter, extend or change the use of Protected Structures and attendant grounds so as to render them viable for modern use, subject to demonstration by a suitably qualified Conservation Architect or other relevant expert that the structure, character, appearance and setting will not be adversely affected and, suitable design, materials and construction methods will be utilised in accordance with best conservation practice and relevant heritage legislation

(b)Promote awareness of the appropriate adaption of built heritage to climate change as per Government Draft Heritage Ireland 2030, the Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan for the Built and Archaeological Heritage, 2019, the Built Vernacular Strategy, 2021, the pending National Policy on Architecture, the Limerick Climate Adaption Strategy 2019 – 2024 and higher-level spatial plans.