Built and Natural Heritage

Castleconnell has many fine buildings/structures, monuments and the River Shannon contributes to the heritage and distinctiveness  of village in terms of place-making and the identity of the area.  There are 37 Protected Structures in the village and 30 of these are also listed on the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage.  There are numerous sites listed on the Record of Monuments and Places for their archaeological significance.  Castleconnell’s heritage is an important consideration to be incorporated in new developments in order to conserve the area’s character and to create a ‘sense of place’. Conservation and enhancement of the area’s heritage assets including green/blue infrastructure and biodiversity will contribute to the attractiveness of Castleconnell as a desirable place to live, shop and work and for communities to take pride in. 

Q. What features of the area’s natural and built heritage should be conserved and enhanced?

Q. How can key features of the area’s heritage be integrated into new developments?

Q. What objectives are required to protect and enhance our natural and built heritage?