Limerick Pedestrian Network

Chapter 2 - Planning Report and Drawings

The Limerick Pedestrian Network welcomes the work of this Scheme and the ambition demonstrated in bringing this Scheme forward. The LPN have walked the route and done an assessment of the current conditions of the streets as well as an examination in situ of the plans contained in this Scheme. A few short observations:

  1. The scheme is very exciting, and in concert with plans to improve pedestrian use on Shelbourne Road, we highlight in particular our support for this scheme at Hassett’s Cross. The narrowing of the junction, the addition of raised table pedestrian crossings at all 4 sides, and the introduction of cycling lanes will all significantly improve pedestrian experience and safety at this location. This is a significant intervention on the part of the Active Travel unit, and we welcome it.
  2. At Hassett’s Cross, there is a large swathe of empty pavement on the Shelbourne Road side which is currently being used illegally by drivers for parking. We would request that this section of the path be resurfaced and landscaped, and that access to this path is no longer available to motorists.
  3. At the Cross Road junction, we request the addition of a raised table pedestrian crossing across Cross Road. At present, there are only crossings going from one side of High Road to the other.
  4. The scheme must be adapted to continue to the city centre. Although pavement upgrades and other works are planned for the final stretch of the route through Bellefield Gardens, the lack of any significant proposals to address the use of this residential street as a motor route (rat-run) means that the route will not offer significant improvement in pedestrian access and comfort. The significant burden of unnecessary traffic congestion at peak times is damaging to pedestrians and residents in this area.
  5. The scheme should include some work on Thomondgate from the entrance of Belfield Gardens down to the Thomond Bridge. Though this may not be the identified focus of the active travel route for cycling infrastructure, the continuation of the route from TUS to the river is a crucial one for pedestrians. It is heavily used by residents as the most direct connection across the river, it is used by visitors to the city moving from King John’s Castle and for thousands of fans attending events at Thomond Park. Making this section of the city comfortable and safe for pedestrians should be just as much a priority as the work through Belfield Gardens. Although this is a narrower part of the road and there are challenges around traffic space reallocation here, the current pedestrian routes are in dire need of upgrading. The pathways are in bad condition, with many manhole covers (or similar ground access covers) clustered on the ground providing significant slippage risk. The kerbs are very high and desire line crossing points are not supported by infrastructure. The single pedestrian crossing has a less than 10-second crossing time. 

The Committee of the Limerick Pedestrian Network