Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Tessa Greally

Chapter 3 - Appropriate Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Reports

These potential unintended consequences are expanded below : 


A) The housing stock is relatively old and privately owned - retrofitting and upgrading of this type of home is a constant feature along the SC Road as both new residents and ageing residents adapt homes to their changing needs . The proposed plan must allow for ongoing access to homes for building modifications . 


B) Homes along the South Circular Road have variable  amounts of parking with some relying on availability of on -street parking for visitors or deliveries. For these households , parking close to their home  may be a necessity if an older( or younger) person with increased care needs is to remain in their own home -  grocery/ medication/ sanitary wear  deliveries , home help etc , collection for day care and medical appointments would be problematic if a substantial walk was required to vehicle parking. Continuing access to such community support services needs to be guaranteed. 


C) Households with younger families - although not requiring the type of regular support visits which older residents may need -  also  have occasions where absence of on street parking may have an adverse effect on social options.  Car sharing arrangements for children’s school and sports may be interrupted while traditional gatherings held at home such as birthday parties / first communions etc may not be possible in households where parking options are considerably reduced or absent. 


D) For residents in my part of the SCRoad,  traffic changes in the plan  will remove the current access to a  regulated right turn onto the Ballinacurra Road . Car travel towards Dooradoyle  would be less safe under the plan as it is very difficult to turn across the traffic at the lower end of Lifford Avenue or at the end of the SCRd beyond Log na gCapall -  currently it is possible to use a regulated right turn at Punch’s Cross which reduces the likelihood of long tailbacks developing behind a vehicle attempting to turn right against the traffic . A new set of traffic lights at one of the junction points is essential  for smooth traffic flows at peak times and for safety at all times . 


E) The proposed public realm planting has the potential to enhance the streetscape over time if maintained  and resourced by the local authority. The balance between traffic calming and  unintentional creation of new hazards also needs to be considered - at the junction of Greenpark Avenue with SCRd a seating area with planting is proposed which would obscure the view of traffic emerging from both Greenpark Avenue and the block of apartments at that  junction . The planning permission in place for a new housing development at the end of Greenpark Avenue will add to the existing traffic at this junction- a raised table intersection was a requirement for the granting of this planning permit and should suffice to slow traffic without introducing a measure which would reduce visibility . 

Main opinion: 

In summary, the plan has several positive aspects but requires the inclusion of specific mitigation measures - these must ensure that residents can continue to avail of support services, can upgrade and adapt their homes in line with national energy policy , and if driving, can safely reach the road network in the Dooradoyle direction

Main requests: 

1. Continuing access to home support services for vulnerable groups

2.Ability to upgrade and adapt the older homes in SCRd area for energy security and mobility needs

3.New regulated traffic junction in Ballinacurra Road to allow safe right turn onto busy road

4.Omission of proposed seating/ planting area at Greenpark Avenue Junction with SCRd to maintain visibility for increased traffic flows from Greenpark Avenue

5.Maintenance and supervision of all new planting area by the Local Authority or their agents to ensure that the public realm would not deteriorate .

Main reasons: 

To ensure that the current demographic mix of SCRd area can be maintained into the future and would continue to be an appropriate place for older and more vulnerable residents to live.