Amendments to Chapter 8 - Climate Action, Environment and Heritage

Closed28 Jan, 2023, 08:00 - 27 Feb, 2023, 17:00

Proposed Amendment

Submission No./Elected Member Amendment No.


Amend Objective CH 09 by adding the following:

Objective CH 09: Archaeological Heritage

  1. Seek the preservation (in situ, or at a minimum, preservation by record) of all known sites and features of historical and archaeological interest, including wreck, sites and objects underwater.  This is to include all sits listed in the Record of Monuments and Places as established under Section 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1994.  In securing such preservation the Council will have regard to the advice and recommendations of the National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the National Museum of Ireland and the Local Authority Archaeologist.

c)    Ensure that any proposed development shall not have a negative impact on the character or setting of an archaeological monument.  In assessing proposals for development the Council will take account of the Archaeological potential of rivers and other waterways.

e)   Protect and preserve the industrial, military, maritime, riverine and post-medieval archaeological heritage of the plan area.  Proposals for refurbishment, works to or redevelopment of these sites should be subject to a full architectural and archaeological assessment, including where appropriate underwater archaeological impact assessment.



Amend Section 8.2 and add the following:

This Plan promotes networks of blue green infrastructure as aligned with higher-level plans, including the Limerick Development Plan 2022-2028, and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region.



Amend Section 8.4 Archaeological Heritage and add the following text:

 Archaeological heritage is comprised of all material remains of past societies with the potential to add our knowledge of such societies.



Amend Objective CH1 Climate Change by adding the following:

Objective CH 01: Climate Change

g) promote the appropriate adaption of built heritage to respond to the effects of climate change.



Amend Objective CH 04 Special Control Area by adding the following:

Objective CH 04: Special Control Area

b) Ensure that development including holiday homes and holiday apartments shall not be permitted on land zoned special control area.  Ancillary leisure/tourism development that are water compatible may be permitted.