Chapter 6 - Economic Development and Tourism

Closed1 Oct, 2022, 8:00am - 14 Nov, 2022, 5:00pm

Castleconnell village is a service centre for its own community and its hinterlands.  There is a diverse range of services in the village including retail, food and drink sectors, accommodation, professional services and community services.  As the village is predominantly a commuter village, there are no large scale manufacturing/industrial facilities within the Plan boundary. This plan provides the appropriate framework for development through the provision of adequately zoned lands and policies, which support economic and tourism development. The Limerick Development Plan 2022 – 2028 sets out the strategic context for economic development in Limerick. The Limerick Local Economic and Community Plan adopted in 2016 sets out the objectives and actions to promote and support economic development and local and community development across Limerick.

Figure 6.1 – Village centre units in Castleconnell

Policy ED 1: Strategic Economic Development: It is a policy of the Council to

Promote, facilitate and enable economic development and employment generating activities in Castleconnell on appropriately lands zoned lands, in a sustainable manner, in accordance with the Limerick Development Plan 2022 – 2028.

6.1        Enterprise and Employment

Together with the National Planning Framework, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region places a strong emphasis on compact, smart, sustainable, appropriate and inclusive economic growth in settlements.

The 2016 Census identified that the population of Castleconnell aged 15 or over at work was 54%, which is above those at work for the County as a whole of 50%. Additionally unemployment levels were low at 6.3%, well below the state average of 8.2%.  There is no manufacturing/industrial facility operating in the village and with over 950 people having a daily commute of less than 30 minutes to school, work or college it is clear that a majority of the village’s population have a workplace within that drive time.

With the opportunities afforded by digitalisation and e-working the Council promotes Castleconnell as a location to support remote working, supporting hubs, culture/creative and Smart tech enterprises. In this regard an eHub has been developed as part of the ACM network of community services in the village.  A trend of an increasingly skilled workforce is desirable to generate employment, capitalise on the knowledge economy, support enterprise opportunities and growth in the village.  The LAP supports opportunities for employment creation, business and technology development in Castleconnell to facilitate economic activity, in accordance with the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and the Limerick Development Plan.

A total of 6.7 hectares of land was zoned for Enterprise and Employment use in the 2013 Castleconnell LAP.  These lands are located adjacent to the R445.  Presently there is a timber business operating on part of these lands with the vast majority of the land as of yet undeveloped and in use for agricultural purposes.  This zoning remains in the proposed plan and an additional 4 hectares of land has been added adjacent to the Belmount Road and the Castlerock housing estate. These lands will provide opportunities for economic development and diversification in the village.  Small settlements, such as Castleconnell have important potential to accommodate community based enterprise centres in serviced lands where there is good access to regional and national roads and a pool of local skills.  Castleconnell is well placed in this regard given its proximity to the Limerick to Dublin Motorway and it’s highly skilled workforce (29% working in professional services). The form and scale of development proposed on these sites shall be appropriate to their location, having regard to surrounding land uses and scale.

Objective ED 1: Enterprise and Employment Objectives: It is an objective of the Council to             

  1. Encourage the reuse and redevelopment of vacant units, brownfield, derelict and infill sites for employment creation, subject to normal planning and environmental criteria.
  2. Ensure that childcare and education facilities are provided in tandem with new residential areas, at accessible locations, which maximise opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport and comply with all relevant standards.
  3. Ensure any proposals for the lands zoned for Enterprise and Employment adjoining the R445 and the Belmount Road include a Traffic and Transport Assessment, to ensure that the local road network and associated junctions with the regional road have sufficient capacity to facilitate the extent of the development planned.  The costs of implementing mitigation measures arising from the assessment shall be borne by the developer. Any proposals at this sites shall ensure the provision of a minimum 20m landscaped buffer zone between proposed development and the adjoining residential developments.
  4. Support home based economic activities, which are secondary to the main residential use and which can be accommodated without adverse impacts on the amenities of adjoining residential property, by reason of traffic, noise or other planning criteria.
  5. Retain sufficient lands around the site boundaries where industrial, enterprise or distribution actives are proposed to accommodate landscaping to soften the visual impact and reduce the biodiversity loss of the development.
  6. Early engagement with all utilities providers including Irish Water is strongly advised.

6.2        Tourism

Tourism is a proven economic driver, and can play a significant role in the overall development of Castleconnell, sustaining employment and providing opportunities for new business and services.  Access to the River Shannon and the riverside walkways have already stimulated business growth in the village.  Its location on the Limerick-Nenagh railway line; it’s local heritage, including Castleconnell Castle and the many fine Georgian houses along the riverbank, such as Stormont, Mountshannon and the Tontines; and the villages traditional streetscape with many fine traditional shopfronts and leisure activities such as fishing, water activities and walking all contribute to the attraction of Castleconnell as a tourist destination.

Figure 6.2 – Tourist amenities at the riverside

The River Shannon offers enormous potential for tourism related activities, such as fishing, boating, sailing, swimming and riverside walks.  These activities take place presently in the village at the rear of the Castle Oaks hotel and at Worlds End. For centuries Castleconnell has been renowned for the quality of its angling.  Potential business and commercial opportunities related to the river, such as recreation equipment rentals and sales, lessons and other related businesses will be encouraged at appropriate locations in the village.  Also the Castleconnell River Walk, Castleconnell Bog Walk and the 3.8km Sli na Slainte walking route could be expanded upon and further developed as an important tourist resource and local amenity.

Figure 6.3 – Worlds End

The Limerick Tourism Development Strategy 2019-2023 identifies the potential of extending the Limerick Greenway to Castleconnell onward to Montpelier which offers the potential to attract increased visitor numbers to the village.

The Council are presently engaged in acquiring land for amenity purposes at Worlds End.  This has been included in Chapter 4 as Opportunity site no 2 and is identified in the Land Use Zoning Map Appendix 1. Castleconnell Boat Club is located at the end of this roadway within the confines of the village and offers access to the water ways via a slip way to all ages across the community.  The area served by a small car park is used by swimmers, boating enthusiasts and walkers alike. It is noted that the roadway serving the amenity is narrow and suffers from congestion at peak times. There is potential to enhance the area as an amenity for the village subject to appropriate Environmental Assessment.


Figure 6.4 – Existing forest walkway at Worlds End

Objective ED 2: Tourism Objectives:  It is an objective of the Council to

  1. Support growth in the tourism sector in Castleconnell by facilitating vital connections between complementary sites and attractions, and ensuring visitors can easily avail of services in Castleconnell village centre.
  2. Support the provision a new Greenway linking Castleconnell with the University of Limerick and Montpelier and the wider Greenway \ Active Travel network.
  3. Support Castleconnell’s role in the Limerick Tourism Development Strategy 2019 - 2023 and any subsequent replacement document.
  4. Require tourism projects to adhere to appropriate environmental and ecological assessment and to mitigate any adverse environmental, biodiversity and ecological impacts.
  5. Require new tourism projects located within the village to foster synergy with the services and retail business located in the village.
  6. Support community engagement in the development of tourism and amenity projects in the village.


Castleconnell Slow Tourism Opportunity
I am presenting the idea of establishing an artist retreat / educational farm within Castleconnell. This would provide local jobs, educational opportunities, preserve the natural land from being over...
Economic development and tourism
All chapter in the LAP provide an integrated set of issues and opportunities. It is difficult to choose one without neglecting the full range of issues. Housing, community development, employment...