Appendices and environmental Reports

Dúnta17 Lún, 2019, 8:00am - 30 M.F., 2019, 5:00pm

Appendix 2 











Holy Well




Designed Landscape Feature




Fulacht Fia




Historic Town












Anglo-Norman Castle
















Town Defences


Appendix 5

Implementation and Infrastructural Delivery Schedule


Implementation and Service Delivery

1.1 Introduction

The Council acknowledges that one of the main factors in the successful implementation of a Local Area Plan is securing the necessary funding and partnerships to deliver key objectives in the plan, such as those relating to infrastructure and services. This Implementation and Infrastructure Delivery Schedule has been prepared to assist in the delivery of the key objectives in the LAP. The sequential development of Croom, alongside the phased delivery of necessary infrastructure, including open space, waste water, drainage, educational and recreational amenities and local service provision, is key to the sustainable development of the town. It is critical that the development of the town is sequential in nature and in accordance with the policies set out in the Local Area Plan.


1.2 Strategy


In terms of the development of the Local Area Plan, the development of the plan, has been based on the following sustainable principles:

  • Application of the ‘sequential approach’ advocated by national planning guidance, whereby zoning extends outwards from the town centre.


  • Promotion of the town as a walkable town, whereby, new residential development is within 10-minute walking distance of the town centre is prioritised;


  • Promotion of lands close to existing community and social infrastructure such as town centre, schools, walkways/cycleways and open space and proximity to the bus stop;


  • Cognisance has been taken of the need to provide upmost protection to the environment, built, natural and archaeological heritage of the town


Only in exceptional circumstances should the above principles be contravened, for example, where a barrier to development is involved, any exceptions must be clearly justified by local circumstances and such justification must be set out in any planning application proposal. Notwithstanding, the zoning of any lands, the development management process will monitor and implement the population targets for Croom, and will phase or restrict, where necessary, the granting of residential planning permissions to ensure the targets are not exceeded.



In accordance with these principals, the priority development areas for Croom are as follows:


Priority 1

Town centre – to protect , enhance and encourage the redevelopment of the town centre, including infill, brownfield and backlands as appropriate

Priority 2

Development of lands zoned New Residential, Enterprise and Employment, Community and Education Facilities and protect Special Control Areas from inappropriate development


1.3 Infrastructure Delivery Schedule


This section sets out the key infrastructure necessary, in a staged delivery schedule, in order to achieve the phased delivery of the objectives of this plan. This section focuses on the key infrastructure planned over the lifetime of the proposed plan. It is acknowledged that there is a broad range of infrastructure necessary in order to enhance the services of Croom. The development and continued delivery of telecommunications and energy is addressed under the County Development Plan and Limerick City and County Council continues to liaise and work with the necessary telecommunications and energy providers of such infrastructure to continue to enhance these services.

The lifetime of the Local Area Plan is six years. The delivery schedule is divided in to the following four phases as well as an on-going stage with delivery throughout the plan lifetime and beyond:

  • Short Term – 1 -2 years
  • Medium Term – 3 – 5 years
  • Long Term – 5 + years


There are a number of stakeholders involved in the delivery of all the infrastructure projects. All projects are dependent on funding. There are also numerous other matters that need to fall in line in order for each infrastructure project to be delivered, like land acquisition, securing the appropriate planning approval, sourcing the funding, etc. The LAP identifies    a range of strategic and local infrastructure necessary to facilitate development in the Plan Area. The timely and co-ordinated delivery of such infrastructure across a number of state agencies will be a key focus of Limerick City and County Council.

The key funding sources for the delivery of infrastructure are:




Private investment of the developer of the land to deliver/ provide the infrastructure to the standards required by the local authority and statutory legislation/regulations


Irish Water, Office of Public Works, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, National Transport Authority, LEADER/SICAP funding, RRDF funding, other government departments/ agencies e.g. Health Service Executive, the Heritage Council, Department of Education and Skills

Limerick    City    &    County Council

Development Contribution Scheme and the Capital Works Programme


The schedule is a rolling programme and it will be reviewed at regular intervals to assess how the implementation is progressing, available resources and as new sources of funding emerges.


Implementation and Infrastructural Delivery Schedule Tasks





Transport, Smarter travel modes, and water services

Distributor Road





LCCC/Department of Education/Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport

General road improvements, footpath improvements, cycleways/walkways, junction improvements and implementation of proposed traffic management plan

Short term

LCCC/National                  Transport Authority



The phasing of development will be linked with the overall development strategy for the Local Area Plan whereby the existing settlement will expand geographically from the centre, through the development of physically adjoining lands in a coherent manner. New development will integrate with the established settlement of Croom and will be supported by the required infrastructure provision.