Chapter 2. Drawings and Photomontages

Dúnta4 Bea, 2022, 9:00am - 16 Mei, 2022, 4:00pm

The Part 8 plan drawings, landscape drawings and photomontages may be viewed in the Materials section that accompanies this chapter (side bar)

Submission on Proposed Part 8 Development at the R510 (Quinn's Cross to Raheen Roundabout) on behalf of the South Court Hotel
Please see attached document for submission
Zebra crossing design
The proposed replacement zebra crossing layout does not align with any guidelines, makes no sense and is unsafe. Despite the standard red L-pattern blister paving being used at either side of the...
Incorrect use of tactile paving throughout proposal
As with nearly all cycle schemes in Ireland, the tactile paving specified is once again incorrect and does not comply with the guidelines set out in the National Cycle Manual. Once again we are...
Unnecessary use of traffic sign RUS 009
Four traffic signs (RUS 009) in total are specified for this scheme. They are to be located at either end of this scheme to indicate the start and end of this cycle link. These are unnecessary as the...
Removal of trees at Raheen Roundabout to maintain motor traffic volume
The proposal indicates that up to 12 semi-mature trees will be removed to maintain a multilane entry into Raheen Roundabout.   Section 4.8.5 of the National Cycle...