Amendments to Chapter 5 - Sustainable Communities

Dúnta28 Ean, 2023, 08:00 - 27 Fea, 2023, 17:00

Proposed Amendment

Submission No./Elected Member Amendment No.


Amend Objective C2 b) by adding the following points

Objective C2: New Amenity Walkways and Cycleways

  • Careful consideration shall be taken in areas containing sensitive habitats and species and in particular, Natura 2000 sites, environmental assessments shall be carried out to an appropriate level to safeguard these areas.
  • Ensure that walkways are taken inland from the river bank to prevent disturbance of habitat features and bird life.  Adequate buffer distances shall be provided to prevent disturbance of birds, other species and riparian habitats and shall also incorporate where possible screening or use of existing topography to screen human movements. Ecological assessment will determine the appropriate locations, access types and routes and may also identify sensitive areas which are not suitable for additional public access.
  • Ensure that any proposals for access to the water or picnic areas, shall be confined to suitable locations within the existing settlement, which are already subject to human disturbance.
  • Ensure that walkways are appropriately designed and developed to allow room for birds and other species to withdraw.
  • Avoid looped walks around the entirety of ponds, lakes and water bodies and habitat features close to the river channel.
  • Lighting shall be designed to take account of sensitive habitats and shall only be permitted, if deemed suitable and supported with an appropriate level of environmental assessment.
  • Ensure that any access to the river shall have warning signs regarding biosecurity to prevent the transmission of diseases, such as crayfish plague or invasive species. In areas for waterside access use of bio-security facilities for washing and treating craft such as kayaks shall be made available.



Amend Objective C2 New Amenity Areas Walkways and Cycleways  as follows:

Objective C2 New Amenity Areas Walkways and Cycleways

  1. Proposals for new Walkways/Cycleways, Greenways and Blueways within the Special Area of Conservation will be subject to appropriate environmental assessments.  Any development which would have significant adverse effects on the integrity of European sites or cause a net loss of bio-diversity will not be permitted.



Amend Objective C1 Community and Educational Facilities as follows:

h) Support the upgrade of the community centre and seek appropriate funding in conjunction with relevant community groups.



Amend Objective C3 Parks Open Space and Recreation as follows:

Objective C3 Parks Open Space and Recreation

e) This extension will be subject to appropriate environmental assessment and any development which would have significant adverse effects on the integrity of European sites or cause a net loss of bio-diversity will not be permitted.