Amendments to Settlement Capacity Audit

Dúnta28 Ean, 2023, 08:00 - 27 Fea, 2023, 17:00

10.5      Settlement Capacity Audit

In accordance with Appendix 3 of the National Planning Framework (NPF), the tiered approach to zoning has been applied to zoned lands as laid out in Fig.11.1 below.  Tier 1 refers to lands that are adequately serviced and can connect to existing services (road, path, public lighting, water supply and surface water drainage).  Tier 2 lands refer to lands that have constraints in terms of connecting to services, but have the potential to become fully serviced over the lifetime of the Plan.   The Settlement Capacity Assessment sets out the sites identified for new residential development, serviced sites and enterprise and employment with respect to availability of key infrastructure to ensure that these lands are developable over the lifetime of the plan.   The sites are identified as being serviced (utilities), served by public transport and community infrastructure and satisfies the principles of the Ten Minute Town Concept and compact growth, all promoted by higher level spatial plans.  Where existing infrastructure is located in close proximity to a site and can potentially extended to service the site, these services have been indicated as available.   It should be noted that the table below is for information purposes only and developers are advised to avail of pre-planning consultation with the service providers regarding development of these lands prior to submitting a planning application.